This includes the model name, the coordinate system, tools options, the CNC-controller, etc. The tutorials featured in the book provide step previews, allowing the user to systematically follow each step with ease. 0 Comments Solidworks Tutorial Solidworks Bolt and Nut Tutorial Solidworks - Duration: 21:07.Powered by the patented iMachining technology, SolidCAM provides the fastest Toolpaths and the best Manufacturing Suite for the most efficient and profitable CNC-Programming inside SOLIDWORKS. Introduction to SolidCAM written by Matt Nowicki and Jonathan Fiene April 2008 How SolidCAM works Three sets of data are needed for a project: CAM-Part - The CAM-Part defines the general data of the workpiece. Another benefit of this integrated CAM system is that it automatically updates toolpaths as changes and updates are made to parts. Mastercam 2019 Design Training Tutorial The Mastercam 2019 Design Training Tutorial provides a comprehensive step-by-step approach to learning geometry creation within Mastercam. Solidcam Tutorial Code Generated Much SOLIDWORKS CAM also empowers companies to employ build-to-order strategieswhere custom parts can be designed and CAM code generated much faster.